Happy Holi in India 2020…Let’s Celebration..

India is famous for its colorful cultures and one of the most colorful of all festivals is the 'Festival of Colors' itself. Holi, a powerful festival host to the spring season is enjoyed by tossing colored water and spraying on each other. There are various top places in India for Holi Celebration. I am legend, celebrating the death of Demon Holika by Prahalathan, a devotee of King Vishnu. Traditional dance and music, puppet shows and much more are enjoyed as part of the festival's celebration. Although celebrated worldwide, the Holi Celebration is celebrated as a unique festival in some parts of the country. Hall is one of the most colorful festivals of Incredible India. At the festival, friends, and family throw in the colored water and powder colors to each other to make the festivities for the 2-day festival. There is laughter, excitement, and you can see people of color and people wearing colorful clothes (or wet clothes) on the streets during the festival. ...