
Showing posts from January, 2020


If you wish to stand out from your competitors and make an impact on your target market, you need to embrace modern marketing strategies i.e., online advertising. Why sell your school digitally? The answer summarizes just four reasons - 1.        You can target your audience 2.        Measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments where needed 3.        Cheap and inexpensive 4.        They are more stable than traditional sources. Let’s cover the aspect of thinking about your school’s digital marketing. 5 WAYS FOR MARKETING YOUR SCHOOL ONLINE 1. Leave a good impression with a good website: Improving user experience can do wonders for your schools. Think of your website as your marketer. The more you talk about your perspective , mission, and personality, the more parents are left with a positive outlook. Focus on providing ...

Makar Sankranti Festival

Makar Sankranti is also known as Maghi or Makara Sankranti. The festival is celebrated by Hindus and is dedicated to Surya, who is Sun God in the Hindu realm. This year, Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on January 15, 2020. Therefore, the festival should mark the first day when the sun sets in Capricorn, also known as Makara. Makar Sankranti also marks the end of the month when the winter solstice, also called the darkest night of the year. It also shows us that the long days are here again. According to Hindu tradition, Makar Sankranti also marks the beginning of Uttarayana, an exciting six-month period. Makar Sankranti festival Across India One of the most special things about this festival is that it happens to be one of the few ancient Hindu festivals on the solar system. Hindus celebrate their festivals like the lunar calendar. The Hindu calendar itself is created as the moon in nature. As the festival is celebrated as in all the solar cycles it falls on the s...

New Year Celebration

New Year is the time or day when the beginning of the new calendar year and the calendar year counts each increase. Many cultures celebrate the event in some way and the 1st of January is often marked as a national holiday. Gregorian Calendar, the most widely used calendar system today, New Year takes place on January 1 (New Day). Some cultures observe their own Traditional or Religious Day according to their religion, sometimes more than the public (Gregorian) calendar. China's New Year, Islamic New Year, Japanese Traditional New Year and Jewish New Year are the most well-known examples. India and other countries continue to celebrate the New Year on various days. We also celebrate new year with Jaunt Family we play cricket match like IPL .We enjoy alot ...See Video Celebrate New Year Conclusion Focus on one thing your business has struggled with in the past or something you were hoping to use (more than one choice can prove that you wish to do something ...